Benefits of Rudrabhishek
Rudra is one of many names of Lord Shiva and Rudrabhishek Puja means – The worship of Lord Rudra (Shiva) by means of offering Him an Abhishek (Holy Bathing and Crowning). Living a prosperous and joyful life is everyone’s dream. Whether it is our career, business arena, health, marriage or any other aspect of our life, we aspire for the very best without any friction. However, a life absolutely devoid of struggles and problems, is just a pipe dream! At one stage or the other and in one form or the other, problems are inevitable in life, unless something drastic & highly effective is done to counter/negate problems. So what can be done to have a life that is a manifestation of bliss, joy & happiness? The answer is: Getting the blessings of Lord Shiva! There are many different rituals (Pujas) of worshiping the God of Gods- Lord Shiva. However, one such Puja that invokes the blessings of Lord Shiva into the life of a person is “Rudrabhishek Puja”. Rudrabhishek Puja is an incr...